Rego Cheat sheet

This document describes a few examples of policies that can be written in Rego.

Policies composition in OR

This simple policy will accept only requests with method GET or HEAD. It uses assignment to define new values := and equality checks ==.

my_policy {
    requestMethod := input.request.method
    requestMethod == "GET"
} {
    requestMethod := input.request.method
    requestMethod == "HEAD"

Array iteration

Supposing that user properties have the myList which holds a list of strings, you can iterate the list and find whether an element is found with comparisons.

my_iteration_policy {
    aList :=
    aList[_] == "item_to_find"

Iterate multiple lists

You can iterate over multiple lists using the same index by defining a custom iterator:

my_iteration_policy {
    aList :=
    anotherList :=
    some i
    aList[i] == "item_to_find"
    anotherList[i] == "item_to_find_on_second_list"

Query generation

If you want to create a query using the Query Generation feature of Rönd, you have to use the data.resources variable to obtain the generator and define your comparising you want to be matched in the final query.

my_query_generator {
    userBrand :=
    generator := data.resources[_]

    generator.brandId == userBrand

The policy above generates a query that will filter for all the documents having brandId matching the brandId of the user.


You can use the print statement to debug your policies. Print statements are available only when LOG_LEVEL variable is set to trace.