Rönd configuration

To correctly setup the container, you need to provide a few configurations. Some configurations are provided as environment variables, while others are provided via configuration files.

Environment variables

Name Type Default value Required Description
LOG_LEVEL string info - One of “info”, “trace”, “debug”, “warning”, “error”.
HTTP_PORT string 8080 - Port to expose the API service.
STANDALONE boolean false - Defines whether the service is running as a sidecar or in standalone mode.
TARGET_SERVICE_HOST string - if STANDALONE is false The host of target service to redirect the traffic when authorization rules are passed.
TARGET_SERVICE_OAS_PATH string - if STANDALONE is false Endpoint path of sibling container to contact for retrieving the OAS definition (es. /documentation/json).
API_PERMISSIONS_FILE_PATH string - - File for manual configuration of the OAS. This replaces the automatic documentation fetch performed by the service towards API_ERMISSIONS_FILE_PATH. See the example.
OPA_MODULES_DIRECTORY string - Folder path where are provided the Rego files for OPA rules evaluation; these files will be used to evaluate policy. See the example.
USER_PROPERTIES_HEADER_KEY string miauserproperties - Header name for the optional header that contains the user properties.
USER_GROUPS_HEADER_KEY string miausergroups - Header name for the optional header that contains the user groups.
CLIENT_TYPE_HEADER_KEY string client-type - Header name for the optional header that contains a client type identifier.
MONGODB_URL string - - URL to connect to a MongoDB instance (useful for RBAC data retrieval and find_ Rego built-ins).
ROLES_COLLECTION_NAME string - if MONGODB_URL is set Name of the role collection.
BINDINGS_COLLECTION_NAME string - if MONGODB_URL is set Name of the bindings collection.
PATH_PREFIX_STANDALONE string /eval - When in STANDALONE mode, this variables configures the prefix for all validation APIs defined by the OAS.
DELAY_SHUTDOWN_SECONDS int 10 - Seconds to delay forced server stop, useful for graceful shutdown.
EXPOSE_METRICS boolean true - Set to false if you don’t want to collect and expose the Prometheus metrics

Configuration files

Rönd accepts two configuration files, one containing the OpenPolicy Agent Rego policies (required) and an optional file for OpenAPI Specification details.

OpenPolicy Agent policies

The .rego file must be provided inside the directory specified with the OPA_MODULES_DIRECTORY environment variable. Right now is supported only a single file, so the first .rego file found will be used for policy evaluation. Any other .rego file will be ignored.

OpenAPI Specification file

The OpenAPI Specification file is required only when the TARGET_SERVICE_OAS_PATH variable is not provided. This file specifies the API that are exposed by your service, and thus must be authorized with specific policies.

Specify API permissions

In order to define the Rego policies to be evaluated for the API to be authorized, you must define the Rönd custom attribute in your OAS schema.
Depending on the version of Rönd you are using, you have define x-rond or x-permission attirbutes.

For version 1.5 or newer, Rönd lets you define the x-rond attribute in your OAS schema. This attribute is an object that contains the following properties:

"x-rond": {
    "requestFlow": {
        "policyName": "policy_to_be_executed_BEFORE_API_invocation",
        "generateQuery": true,
        "queryOptions": {
            "headerName": "x-query-header"
    "responseFlow": {
        "policyName": "policy_to_be_executed_AFTER_API_invocation"
    "options": {
        "enableResourcePermissionsMapOptimization": false,
        "ignoreTrailingSlash": false

Here, requestFlow and responseFlow fields, define which policies have to be executed repectively before and after the API invocation.

For older versions the x-permission attribute should be used.
This attribute is shaped as an object with the following properties:

"x-permission": {
    "allow": "policy_to_be_executed_BEFORE_API_invocation", // Required.
    "resourceFilter": {
        "rowFilter": {
            "enabled": true,
            "headerKey": "acl_rows" // Identifier of the header sent to the requested service. The interpolated query will be injected Here. Defaults to `acl_rows`.
    "responseFilter": {
        "policy": "policy_to_be_executed_AFTER_API_invocation"
    "options": {
        "enableResourcePermissionsMapOptimization": false,
        "ignoreTrailingSlash": false

Request Flow

If you want the greetings_read policy to be evaluated when invoking the GET /hello API, your application service must define its API documentation as follows:

    "paths": {
        "/hello": {
            "get": {
                "x-rond": {
                    "requestFlow": {
                        "policyName": "greetings_read"

Generate a query for the service

If you want to generate a query that is then forwarded to the application service, you can define the requestFlow option enabling the generateQuery field.
The generated query is then forwarded to the application service using the header specified in the headerName field.
For more details check the Rows Filtering guide.

    "paths": {
        "/hello": {
            "get": {
                "x-rond": {
                    "requestFlow": {
                        "policyName": "greetings_read",
                        "generateQuery": true,
                        "queryOptions": {
                            "headerName": "x-acl-rows"

Response Flow

If you need to modify the response payload you can define the responseFlow field. With the configuration shown below, the greetings_read policy will be evaluated before contacting the application service. When the application service sends its response, the filter_response_example policy will be evaluated and its result will be used as the new response body.

    "paths": {
        "/hello": {
            "get": {
                "x-rond": {
                    "requestFlow": {
                        "policyName": "greetings_read",
                    "responseFlow": {
                        "policyName": "filter_response_example"

Any API invocation to the path matching the one provided as TARGET_SERVICE_OAS_PATH with method GET will always be proxied to the target service, unless the given OpenAPI Specification provides the path with a custom policy configuration. In this case, the API will be proxied only if the policy evaluates successfully.

Standalone mode

Rönd can run in standalone mode. To enable this mode, just set the STANDALONE environment variable to true.

When the standalone mode is active, Rönd will expose the APIs defined in the provided OAS under the PATH_PREFIX_STANDALONE environment variable.